
Learn spanish through a variety of spanish courses

These are our most on-demand courses: we have small group courses, where you’ll meet people at your same level, up to private tutoring sessions, where you can take advantage of every minute. There are also other courses to dust off your Spanish skills for the more advanced students, and other for the real beginners. Of course, there are courses for the young ones and for the older crew.
Basically, we have courses for everyone with an adventurous spirit and a yearning for taking advantage of their time.

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Learn spanish through a variety of spanish courses

These are our most on-demand courses: we have small group courses, where you’ll meet people at your same level, up to private tutoring sessions, where you can take advantage of every minute. There are also other courses to dust off your Spanish skills for the more advanced students, and other for the real beginners. Of course, there are courses for the young ones and for the older crew.
Basically, we have courses for everyone with an adventurous spirit and a yearning for taking advantage of their time.

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We always love to hear from students like you. Tell us what you need and we will be glad to help you, Promise to answer ASAP 😊

General Courses:

Spanish for Professionals.

Spanish Experiences.

Learn Spanish Online

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We are the first boutique agency for Spanish courses in Spain. That means that we will do everything within our means and beyond to find you the best experience possible, the Spanish course you need, in the best destination for you, and in the most amazing accommodations that fit your budget.

© 2018 The Spanish Way.

Contact US


Avda. Secundino Zuazo 67, 1ºA 28055-Madrid

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